0This Tennant Nobles BR-2000-DC Dust Control High-Speed Burnisher is a powerful and efficient cleaning machine that can handle a variety of surfaces, including tile, grout, concrete, stone, and VCT tile. With a 1.5 hp motor and 15 A of motor amps, this unit can clean up to 10,000 square feet per day, making it a great choice for large cleaning jobs. The machine features a side by side / swing design, with a cleaning path of 20 inches and a brush and pad speed of 2000 rpm. It also comes with a pad driver and dust control features, ensuring that the cleaning process is safe and efficient. This corded unit has a voltage of 120 V and a power cord type of 14 gauge, 3-wire, and ST-Safety Yellow Cord. It has a maximum weight of 92 lb / 42 kg and is manufactured in the United States.